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Paperback Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-0578382166 0578382164
  • 205 pages
  • $15
Urvashi Bundel
Unapologetically Feminist

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

In her powerhouse collection, Unapologetically Feminist, poet Urvashi Bundel fights against the ravaging wildfires of misogyny, racism, and global social injustice with her own starbright flame. She travels the world in line after feverish line—observing, reporting back, and crying out for change. “The girl must eat / And the hyenas too. / In a fight to gather firewood, / She returns burned again from the bushes, / This time with the title of witch,” the poet says. In so many of the places she goes, a woman of color with a strong, independent mind is too often vilified—her rights singed, her reputation covered in soot. Capitalism and imperialist wars only throw more fossil fuels onto this fire that blazes through one drought-blighted country after another: “How a nation gets auctioned / For sugar / And how tears become / Cheaper than onions.” Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire. In Unapologetically Feminist, Bundel rises like a phoenix to prepare the way for the new green growth that unfurls from these smoldering embers, the smell of smoke blossoming in her hair.

Reedsy Discovery

Urvashi sensitively and deftly plays with complex ideas such as immigration as well as human rights. Her voice seems to turn into a clarion call for other colored women to come out and speak up.

Overall, the anthology helps us confront some of the most pressing issues faced by colored women all over the world and inspires people to do the same. It is thought-provoking and certain lines keep resonating in our minds long after we have finished reading the book. 

‘We Flap Our Wings Of Fire’ – in honor of Ukrainian refugees

A poem by an Indian humanitarian honors refugees fleeing the destruction wrought by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.   

Celebrating National Poetry Month with Good Morning America Star -Pie Lady

“The girl must eat
And the hyenas too.
In a fight to gather firewood,
She returns burned again from the bushes,
This time with the title of witch.”
~Unapologetically Feminist, Urvashi Bundel✨
Hi, Friends! As you know, April is National Poetry Month and I am so excited to be sharing this powerful collection from poet Urvashi Bundel!✨
“In her powerhouse collection, Unapologetically Feminist, poet Urvashi Bundel fights against the ravaging wildfires of misogyny, racism, and global social injustice with her own starbright flame. She travels the world in line after feverish line—observing, reporting back, and crying out for change.”✨
“In so many of the places she goes, a woman of color with a strong, independent mind is too often vilified—her rights singed, her reputation covered in soot. Capitalism and imperialist wars only throw more fossil fuels onto this fire that blazes through one drought-blighted country after another:
How a nation gets auctioned
For sugar
And how tears become
Cheaper than onions.”✨
“Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire. In Unapologetically Feminist, Bundel rises like a phoenix to prepare the way for the new green growth that unfurls from these smoldering embers, the smell of smoke blossoming in her hair.”✨
Thank you to Urvashi for sending me this beautiful collection! If you’d like to follow along with more of Urvashi’s work, you can follow her at @urvash.b and @unapologeticallyfeminist_book ✨
Here is the link to purchase this book (I will also place this in my stories):
Congrats, Urvashi, on this powerful new release!✨

Urvashi Bundel, a News Decoder guest contributor, has published a book of poetry

Urvashi Bundel, a News Decoder guest contributor, has published a book of poetry called, “Unapologetically feminist.”

Check it out here -

"In her powerhouse collection, Unapologetically Feminist, poet Urvashi Bundel fights against the ravaging wildfires of misogyny, racism, and global social injustice with her own starbright flame. She travels the world in line after feverish line—observing, reporting back, and crying out for change. The poet says,

The girl must eat
And the hyenas too.
In a fight to gather firewood,
She returns burned again from the bushes,
This time with the title of witch

In so many of the places she goes, a woman of color with a strong, independent mind is too often vilified—her rights singed, her reputation covered in soot. Capitalism and imperialist wars only throw more fossil fuels onto this fire that blazes through one drought-blighted country after another:

How a nation gets auctioned
For sugar
And how tears become
Cheaper than onions.

Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire. In Unapologetically Feminist, Bundel rises like a phoenix to prepare the way for the new green growth that unfurls from these smoldering embers, the smell of smoke blossoming in her hair.

Urvashi is an international law specialist, social entrepreneur and a humanitarian.

For more details see:
IG: @unapologeticallyfeminist_book
Twitter & FB: @unapolfem

Paperback Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-0578382166 0578382164
  • 205 pages
  • $15
