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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2021
  • 9781736254110
  • 282 pages
  • $19.99
Connie Stambush
Untethered: A Woman's Search for Self on the Edge of India - A Travel Memoir

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

Determined to discover her true grit and despite never having ridden a motorcycle in her life, journalist C.L. Stambush impulsively buys a Royal Enfield Bullet and sets out on a 7,000-mile, 5-month solo journey around the Subcontinent. Fraught with danger and near-death experiences, she encounters ominous men, confronts culture clashes, and narrowly escapes homicidal drivers. Along the way, she crashes her motorcycle, loses her camera, her way, and her self-control—crossing lines she never imagined possible. In the end, will the price she pays be worth it?
Publishers Weekly

Journalist Stambush recounts her motorcycle adventure around the edge of India in this lively memoir. Over the course of 6,000 miles and 144 days, Stambush planned to locate and piece together the limbs of a sculpture of Hindi goddess Kali, which were housed at temples along her route. Doing so, she hoped, would shake up her “sedate” and “predictable” life and invigorate her with fresh spiritual purpose. It certainly provided plenty of challenges: in Pushkar, she lost her journal and her camera. In Goa, she met and fell for an unavailable restaurateur. Near Madras, she crashed her motorcycle and tore up her knee. Struggling to meet her timeline post-injury, Stambush abandoned her original plan and accepted the journey itself as her final destination: “Being on the road, on my own day after day, was what made me strong and whole.” Captured in a confident tone and detail-rich language, Stambush’s exploits are moving and memorable. Travel aficionados and those in search of an Eat, Pray, Love–style escape, take note. 

Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2021
  • 9781736254110
  • 282 pages
  • $19.99
