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Robert E. Kearns
Unto Dust
O'Leary Funeral Directors has been a staple of the community since before living memory. The O'Leary's are professional, efficient, and can always be counted upon. Throughout the generations, the O'Leary's exhibited some unique traits. They kept themselves to themselves, only gave had boys, and produced few offspring. Then, when Francis O'Leary and his wife have identical twins, Francis can't but help but believe it spells trouble for the future. Christopher and Andrew, though identical in physical features, develop their own personalities. Christopher takes to the funeral profession better than Andrew, but it is Andrew that their father loves more. Besides that, something about Christopher seems 'off'. Undo Dust is another dark psychological story from Robert E. Kearns, that may well give you a sleepless night.

Five Stars


"I didn't expect that ending. I finished this book in one sitting. A real page turner, would definitely recommend it. Not morbid at all."

