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mothers of the projects
Urban housing projects are often thought of as places built by poverty and infested with crime. However, for Jamesetta and her family, the Henry Horner Homes become a beacon of hope, a source of comfort, and a place of refuge. While Jamesetta believes their situation is temporary, she soon becomes part of a tight-knit group of Henry Horner mothers, who are the pillars of the community. It appears Jamesetta has finally found a place she can truly call home, but has she counted all the costs? Will her most important relationships survive the move? Mothers of the Projects is an urban saga based on a true story that traces a family’s search for the American dream from a small rural town in Arkansas to the big, sometimes unforgiving city of Chicago. It’s a story of perseverance, trial, tragedy, triumph, and hope. If you think you know what living in the projects is like, think again.
