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Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-3-3 B0CCQLCR53
  • 518 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-4-0 B0CSPS7FHN
  • 510 pages
  • $24.99
Hardcover Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-5-7 B0CSPSHMBV
  • 510 pages
  • $38.99
John Hopkins
Author, Illustrator, Service Provider
The Blue Spark
John Hopkins, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Book Three in The Powers That Be trilogy, THE BLUE SPARK, paints a thought-provoking, action-packed vision of a dystopian future world with humankind on a razor’s edge between science and morality, loyalty and betrayal, hope and despair, courage and fear, evolution and extinction.

* * *

A supernatural visitor entrusts an enigmatic cubed artifact with maverick archeologist Professor Ian Dury. Five years later, legendary robotics pioneer Mitsuo Kobayashi appropriates the top-secret cube, projecting a young woman’s body and soul into sixteen sister replicants before the catastrophic consequences of playing God lay bare his hubris.

Rachel and Owen Haig raise their precocious daughter, Hannah, out of the public eye and away from The Powers That Be (PTB) until events spiral their extraordinary lives asunder.

With a vicelike grip on the PTB, a corrupted Andrew sabotages a quasi-utopian new world order, precipitating the return of an advanced alien hybrid prehuman civilization.

25-year-old Hannah Haig leads a solitary life in 2070 as a drone tech aboard Thundercorp No. 5 when terrorists destroy the moon-like orbiting warehouse. A month later, estranged from her family and stricken with survivor’s guilt, Hannah’s Blue Spark inheritance manifests, leading to a transformative sacrifice that seals humankind’s destiny at the end of a celestial path.

On a future Earth reshaped by eons of cataclysmic upheavals, something stirs within the cube long since buried under the sands of time. 

Sometimes, history repeats.


This is a must read for those that enjoy this genre. Keeps you looking for what is next to come.


For anyone who read the previous books in this trilogy, you don't want to miss this one. It has plenty of action and adventure. Great read for the Sci-Fi fan.


The release date of THE BLUE SPARK, the climactic third science fiction novel in John Hopkins’ The Powers That Be trilogy, is February 13, 2024. The 510-page novel is available everywhere you purchase books in paperback, hardcover, and e-book. Get a copy, and don’t forget, for the best reading experience, start with THE GOLDEN ELLIPSE and THE LOST SHIP, the first two books in the trilogy.

Pre-orders Now Available for The Blue Spark

Great news! The third novel in The Powers That Be trilogy, THE BLUE SPARK, is now available for e-Book pre-order on Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Google Play. The hardcover and trade paperback pre-orders are coming soon. Stay tuned.

THE BLUE SPARK, Book Three in The Powers That Be trilogy, is available everywher

The climax to a thought-provoking trilogy, THE BLUE SPARK, envisions humankind’s destiny through a transformative sacrifice. Get it everywhere books are sold.

Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-3-3 B0CCQLCR53
  • 518 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-4-0 B0CSPS7FHN
  • 510 pages
  • $24.99
Hardcover Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9862338-5-7 B0CSPSHMBV
  • 510 pages
  • $38.99
