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  • The Storyteller's Tale

    by Dr. Bill Senyard

    Rating: 6.50

    Plot/Idea: The plot, pulsing with secrets and double meaning, moves relatively quickly, making it appealing to YA audiences, and Senyard utilizes the story within a story structure remarkably well, as Jeremy, a storyteller's scribe, assist in recording an intriguing tale of a kidnapped storyteller.

    Prose: Senyard sprinkles the narrative with rich descriptions, at times almost overwhelming, that capably set the stage while drawing readers into the plot. Jeremy and the Storyteller's interjections throughout the novel add depth and meaning to the story's events.

    Originality: Readers will be entertained by the story's balance of adventure—particularly between the pirates—and intrigue, as well as the plot's long-held secrets, all of which combine to make this a fast-paced fantasy ride.

    Character/Execution: Senyard's characters are fascinating and likable, though their growth is subdued. Berenice's journey is rife with excitement and conflict, but her reactions at times feel out of sync with the chaos around her. Series fans who have read the first installment will be more familiar with the characters' backstories.

  • Influencerz: Secret Influencerz Academy

    by Juan Boyd

    Rating: 5.00

    Plot/Idea: Boyd's plot moves forward at a steady rate, with few lulls in the action. The tone and character construction, however, are uneven, following central leads Jeremy and Jahred and driven by the book's undercover government program, the "Secret Influencers." 

    Prose: Straightforward prose helps readers follow the storyline, though Boyd's changes in tense disrupt the book's flow.

    Originality: The idea of taking influencers out of the online world to personally impact people's lives is both terrifying and intriguing—and a relevant topic in today's society.

    Character/Execution: Boyd's characters fit the plot, but they tend to blend together rather than dynamically standing out as distinct entities.

