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Fuck The System...The Supremacy Incarnation
by Bresh WinstonSelf improvement, finances, psychology, philosophy and dark psychology are the books major focus. The beauty arises in the way Bresh Winston presents his thoughts on this very controversial topics, in simple terms. In a way, it can seem like you are having a one on one conversation. The fourth chapter will blow your mind. Just imagine how invincible you will become by developing an ability to know exactly what people are saying without them speaking. You don't believe me? Then read for ... more -
Сердитий восьминіг розфарбуй мене щасливим, розфарбуй мене спокійним
by Lori Lite«Сердитий восьминіг Розмалюй мене щасливим, розмалюй мене спокійним» — це весела книга-розмальовка для роботи над собою, призначена для дітей 4–11 років та їхніх батьків, вчителів чи консультантів. Вона включає в себе прості повсякденні техніки, які можна використовувати для контролю гніву, зменшення стресу та збільшення щастя. Ця інтерактивна книга-розмальовка наповнена простими стратегіями самозаспокоєння, управління гнівом та покращення емоційного сприйняття. Розмальовуючи 38 ілюстрацій, діт... more -
Бухта Морської Видри (Sea Otter Cove- A Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксації (Ukraini
by Lori Lite«Бухта морської видри» – це історія, яка вчить дітей використовувати релаксаційне дихання, відоме як “діафрагмальне дихання”, щоб заспокоїтися, знизити стрес і контролювати емоції. Діти люблять практикувати релаксаційне дихання із грайливими морськими видрами та морською дитиною в цій історії. Ця науково-обґрунтована техніка самозаспокоєння допоможе вашій дитині заспокоїтися, розслабитися та впоратися з гнівом. Діафрагмальне дихання разом з іншими формами релаксаційного дихання має позитивний в... more -
Катання на бульбашках ( Bubble Riding: A Children's Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксац
by Lori LiteДіти люблять візуалізувати чи уявляти, як їхні тіла наповнюються кольорами веселки. Слідом за морськоюдитиною та черепахою діти вирушають у світ релаксації на бульбашках. Візуалізація, також відома, як творча уява, допомагає знизити рівень стресу та тривоги. Вона може вплинути на здоров’я, творчі здібності та успішність вашої дитини. Візуалізацію можна використовувати, щоб втамувати біль та гнів. Творча уява в цій історії заспокоює розум і розслабляє тіло, щоб ваша дитина мала змогу впоратися з... more -
Сердитий восьминіг (Angry Octopus: A Children's Relaxation Story): Історія для релаксації (
by Lori LiteДіти люблять розслаблятися та знімати напруження за допомогою цієї веселої вправи, відомої, як м’язова релаксація. В цій історії діти зможуть асоціювати себе з сердитим восьминогом, в той час, як морська дитина покаже йому, як заспокоїтися та впоратися зі своїм гнівом. Ця ефективна техніка боротьби зі стресом і гнівом фокусує увагу на різних групах м’язів, що забезпечує повний відпочинок для вашого розуму та тіла. М’язова релаксація допомагає знизити рівень стресу та тривоги, а також її мо... more -
You Know Best: 10 Rules to Elevate Your Leadership Power
by Monique DawkinsWant to know the secret sauce that will help you boost your influence as a leader? Learn ‘The Unspoken Rules,’ ‘The Dirty Rules,’ ‘The Rules of Thumb,’ and ‘The Ultimate Rule’ in an interactive reading experience that teaches you how to navigate implicit power dynamics that are commonplace in complex, fast- paced organizations. You have power. Learn how to use it to your advantage in an authentic and purposeful way. Elevate your leadership power by using reflective practice in this step-by-step ... more -
Divorce: A Survivor's Guide
by Nancy J. WellsMy recent divorce took two years to complete. Twenty-four long months of money worries, money payments, and money wasted. It was a long, tedious and painful process. A process which I was unprepared for. This book helps you prepare for your own divorce. It brings order from chaos and presents divorce in a logical understandable way. I guide you through the divorce process with clear explanations, next steps, tips for working with your attorney, and what you should know. All aspects of divorce ar... more -
Don't Be Stupid, Idiot - Helping Idiots Be Less Idiotic
by Yann SomouYann Somou is a proper, moany prick of an author. As such, he decided to write a sweary book, chock full of 120+ rants about things that piss off the vast majority of us. Think queue cutting, cancel culture, not buying rounds, splitting the bill to the penny, holding the door open, ignoring reserved seating, political correctness, treating pets as humans, gamesmanship, tailgating, reclining plane seats, the list goes on… But he hasn’t done so simply for the sake of entertainment, or as some f... more -
Soil & Spirit
by Ian C. WilliamsMonumental challenges threaten the sixth mass extinction on planet Earth. From increasing rates of infertility and chronic disease to soil degradation and climate collapse, reviving civilization requires changemakers to step forward and lead with their own unique genius. In Soil & Spirit, Ian C. Williams presents a simple solution: self-actualization. Solutions at scale begin with individuals organizing themselves. Ian guides the reader through that process via four primary landscapes: intern... more -
by Dr. Jennifer GuttmanOur society tends to put “happiness” on a pedestal—it’s everyone’s ultimate goal, and its pursuit is enshrined in our very Declaration of Independence. But what if happiness is the wrong goal? Happiness is a fleeting emotion, an endorphin rush, a chemical high. It is not enough to keep us moving forward when we get bad news, when our kids are sick, when we lose a job. Meanwhile, 40% of people worldwide say they are not happy. The reason? Happiness is simply not sustainable. It is an emotion, not... more -
Affirmations For Entrepreneurs: Daily Mantras For Life, Love, and Liberty
by Gafar LiameedAffirmations for Entrepreneurs presents engaging principles for those who seek faith and enthusiasm in the pursuit of dreams and ambition. The journey of entrepreneurship is full of constant challenges and opportunities, but with daily mantras to boost your concentration and positivity, you'll have the tools you need to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Start each day with the positivity and focus you need to achieve your goals with Affirmations For Entrepreneurs. -
Cybersecurity Life Skills for Teens: How to develop and use smart cybersecurity life skills, practices, and habits to keep cyber
by Mark LyndIn today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever for teens to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and securely. “Cybersecurity Life Skills for Teens” is an essential guide to help teens protect their privacy, reputation, security, and themselves while online. This book covers everything from the basics of cybersecurity and social media savvy to careers in cybersecurity. The simple fact is our teens are at risk! Here are just a few of the conc... more -
Baby's Room to the BoardRoom: A Guide for Working Moms: How to Transition from Bottle Feeding to Boss Moves!
by Letitia ClarkWorking moms often grapple with the undue stress of trying to successfully balance raising kids and having a career-leaving many women with feelings of failure. In Baby's Room to the Board Room, Letitia Clark speaks directly to the heart and soul of the working mom by sharing tips, tricks, and lessons learned during her journey of motherhood. These tools have helped her to be both a mother and a boss in her professional life. While Letitia Clark does not profess to have all the answers, on... more -
Wild Monogamy: Cultivating Erotic Intimacy to Keep Passion and Desire Alive
by Mali AppleDrawing on stories from real people and the latest research on sex and love, this guide helps couples approach intimacy issues as opportunities for healing, growth, and pleasure, explore their desires, and enjoy new depths of connection together. By cultivating erotic intimacy, couples turn their long-term relationship into a long-term adventure and “make monogamy the hottest choice around.” -
The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships
by Mali AppleInternational Book Awards Gold Medal: Relationships • Living Now Awards Silver Medal: Marriage • The Soulmate Experience has helped thousands of people around the world create relationships that are intimately connected on all levels—emotional, intellectual, sexual, and spiritual—and a continual source of love, inspiration, and joy. Whether you're searching for the love of your life or want more connection in the relationship you already have, the life-... more
Find the Peace within You
by Veronica San FilippoHow do you live a peaceful adult life after suffering through the pain of a traumatic childhood? Find the Peace within You contains straight-forward, easy-to-follow ways to heal the damage caused by a traumatic childhood so you can improve your life and relationships today. Traumas experienced during childhood can negatively affect the young and developing brain, leaving the survivor of a traumatic childhood questioning who they are and why they think and behave the way they do. Most struggle ... more